Memorial Service for Jane Holt-Duecaster | FUMC Hurst TX

Jul 25, 2022

Join us for a Meaningful Memorial Service

Welcome to the memorial service page for Jane Holt-Duecaster. Bible Baptist Church invites you to join us for a heartfelt memorial service in honor of Jane Holt-Duecaster's life. This special event will be held at FUMC Hurst TX on June 26th, 2023. We gather together as a community to remember and celebrate the life of Jane Holt-Duecaster, a beloved member of our congregation and an influential figure in the community.

Remembering Jane Holt-Duecaster

Jane Holt-Duecaster was a kind and compassionate individual who touched the lives of many. Her unwavering faith and dedication to serving others exemplified the core values of our church community. Through her meaningful contributions, she made a significant impact on those around her, leaving behind a legacy that will be cherished forever.

A Community United in Love and Support

At Bible Baptist Church, we believe in the power of community and the strength that comes from supporting one another. The memorial service for Jane Holt-Duecaster provides an opportunity for us to come together, share our memories, and find solace in each other's presence. It is a time to reflect on the extraordinary life she lived and the positive influence she had on our lives.

Details of the Memorial Service

The memorial service for Jane Holt-Duecaster will take place at FUMC Hurst TX, located at [insert address]. Join us on [insert date], as we gather to honor her memory and celebrate her remarkable life. The service will commence at [insert time], with various speakers, musical performances, and moments of reflection. We encourage attendees to arrive early to ensure seating.

Supporting Each Other in Grief

Grief can be a challenging journey, and our church family is here to provide support during this difficult time. We understand the impact of losing a loved one and strive to create a safe and comforting environment where individuals can find solace, share their emotions, and lean on one another for support. If you require any assistance or have specific needs, please feel free to reach out to our dedicated pastoral team, who will be available during and after the service.

Join Us in Celebration

We invite everyone to join us for this special memorial service honoring Jane Holt-Duecaster's life. Whether you knew her personally or would like to show your support for the community, your presence is valued and appreciated. It is through collective remembrance and celebration that we can find comfort and healing as we say goodbye to our dear friend.

Connect with the Bible Baptist Church Community

At Bible Baptist Church, we are a close-knit community that values faith, fellowship, and continued spiritual growth. We provide various programs, events, and services throughout the year to foster a deep sense of belonging and interaction amongst our members. If you are looking to connect with like-minded individuals or learn more about our church and its mission, we encourage you to explore our website or contact our friendly staff.

Join Us for a Meaningful Memorial Service

In conclusion, we extend an open invitation to the Memorial Service for Jane Holt-Duecaster. Let us join together as a community, both in grief and in celebration, to honor her life and the impact she made. The service promises to be a meaningful and powerful experience, filled with love, remembrance, and a shared sense of unity. We hope to see you there.

Contact Information:

  • Website:
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 123-456-7890
  • Address: 123 Church Street, Hurst, TX 12345
Antonia Peterson
Let's honor the beautiful life of Jane in this touching memorial service.
Oct 18, 2023
Lalit Bansal
What a beautiful way to honor Jane Holt-Duecaster's life 🌹. May her memory live on forever. 💫
Oct 13, 2023
I hope the memorial service brings solace to everyone grieving.
Jun 24, 2023
Justin Lin
May the memories of Jane bring comfort to those who loved her. 🌹
May 28, 2023
Lynn Necaise
My thoughts are with everyone who is mourning the loss of Jane.
Apr 16, 2023
Patrick Winterqvist
Sending love and prayers to Jane's family and friends. 🙏
Mar 26, 2023
Sean Newark
Rest in peace, Jane. You will be dearly missed.
Mar 8, 2023
Sahib Singh
May Jane's legacy continue to inspire and bring light to the world. 🕯️
Nov 10, 2022
Giuseppe Forcucci
I wish I could attend the memorial service to pay my respects.
Sep 8, 2022
David Deevy
Sending strength and support to those who are affected by this loss.
Aug 24, 2022
Berenice Valladares
It's important to celebrate and honor the life of Jane. Rest in peace.
Aug 9, 2022